Associate Professor
Nano&Optoelectronics group (OLAB)
Dept. Electronics Engineering
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma (Italy)
Tel +39 0672597779
Fax +39 062020519
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Thomas M. Brown graduated in Physics from the University of Rome in 1996 with 110/110 cum laude after completing a thesis on amorphous silicon heterojunctions of interest in photovoltaic devices. He investigated polysilicon TFTs as a research assistant at Cambridge University Engineering Department in cooperation with Seiko Epson Corp from 1996 to 1997. He completed a PhD on polymer light emitting diodes in the Optoelectronics Group led by Prof. Sir Richard Friend at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, collaborating also with Cambridge Display Technology Ltd on efficient electrodes for OLEDs. In 2001, in its first year of existence, he joined Plastic Logic Ltd, a hi-tech company spun-off from the Cavendish Laboratory to commercialise inventions enabling the printing of plastic electronics (OTFTs) and E-Paper. Promoted to Senior Engineer he was responsible for Dielectric Materials research and development and Project Leader for Large Area Coating.
In 2005 he won a “Re-entry of Brains” Fellowship awarded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research to carry out his research project proposal on “solution processed solar cells via scalable printing and scanning fabrication techniques” within the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Rome – Tor Vergata. In 2006 he co-founded the Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (CHOSE) which has the aim to research and develop organic and hybrid dye solar cells, modules and panels. In 2007 he became Associate Professor within the same Department.
He is on the Advisory Board of the Dyepower Consortium with the aim of developing photovoltaic glass facades. He was co-organiser of the symposia on new genearation solar cells at the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco (2012) and at the EMRS in Lille (2015). He is also currently responsible for Organic and Biological Electronics lecture course for 4th and 5th year students, "Novel Photovoltaic Technologies" Course of the II level Master in Photovoltaics Engineering, and "Scientific Writing" for graduate students within the Engineering Department of the same University. He is on the Editorial Board of "Solar Energy". He has authored over a hundred publications, 4 book chapters and 16 patents.