Ph. D. Student
Nano&Optoelectronics group (OLAB)
Dept. Electronics Engineering
The University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma (Italy)
Tel +39 06 72597777
Fax +39 06 72597939
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Matteo Patriarca was born on June 2nd, 1983 in Marino, Italy. In 2014 he got his master's degree with 110/110 cum laude after completing a thesis on electro-optical simulations of polymer solar cell.
From November 2014 to March 2018 he attended the Ph.D. course in electronic engineering at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", working on the development of discretization techniques to solve carrier transport mechanisms in electronic and optoelectronic devices (Ph.D. thesis: "Discretization Schemes of the van Roosbroeck System for the Carrier Fluxes in Semiconductor Devices").
Since May 2018 he is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Discontinuous Galërkin Finite Element Method (DGFEM)
Numerical analysis of elliptic problems and their discretization by DGFEM
Implementation, in multiphysics Tibercad environment, of the simulation models for the transport of carriers in electronic and optoelectronic devices
Patricio Farrell, Matteo Patriarca, Jürgen Fuhrmann, and Thomas Koprucki. Comparison
of thermodynamically consistent charge carrier flux discretizations for fermi–dirac and
gauss–fermi statistics. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 50(2):101, Feb 2018.
Matteo Patriarca, Patricio Farrell, Jürgen Fuhrmann, and Thomas Koprucki. Highly accurate quadrature-based Scharfetter-Gummel schemes for charge transport in degenerate semiconductors. WIAS Preprint No. 2498, (2018)