Simulations of optical properties of a gan quantum dot embedded in a algan nanocolumn within a mixed fem/atomistic method
G. Penazzi, A. Pecchia, F. Sacconi, M. Auf Der Maur, M. Povolotskyi, G. Romano, and A. Di Carlo
13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, IWCE, (2009)
The european project opther for the development of a thz tube amplifier
A. Di Carlo, C. Paoloni, F. Brunetti, M.L. Terranova, A. Durand, R. Marchesin, K. Pham, V. Krozer, A. Fiorello, M. Dispenza, D. Pribat, S. Megtert, J.P. Schnell, P. Guiset, P. Legagneux, D. Dolfi, and A. de Rossi
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), (2009)
Characterization of Polymer Bulk-Heterojunction Photo-Voltaic devices
L. Salamandra, S. Penna, F. Brunetti, A. Reale, T. M. Brown, A. Di Carlo
FuturMat1, (Sept. 2009)
Ostuni (Italy)
Dispositivi Fotovoltaici Organici (OPVD) per Telecomunicazioni
L. Salamandra, S. Penna, F. Brunetti, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, D. Musella
Fotonica, (May 2009)
Pisa (Italy)
Efficient laser sintering of titanium dioxide layers for dye solar cells
G. Mincuzzi, L. Vesce, T. M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo
International Conference on the Industrialisation of DSC (DSC-IC), (April 2009)
Nara (Japan)
Experimental and theoretical analysis of Incident Photon to Current Conversion Efficiency in function of illumination direction and titanium dioxide thickness
D. D'Ercole, D. Gentilini, A. Gagliardi, D. Colonna, T. M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo
EMRS Spring Meeting, (April 2009)
Strasbourg (France)
Hybrid organic active waveguide for C-band applications
Penna, Reale, Tosi Beleffi, Andre, Teixeira, Nakao, Shinada, Wada
IEEE 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, (June 28-July 2, 2009)
Ponta Delgada (Portugal)
Laser sintering of photoelectrode layers for dye solar cell technology
G. Mincuzzi, L. Vesce, R. Riccitelli, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, T. M. Brown
European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC), (June 2009)
Munich (Germany)
Nanostructured Titania Photoanodes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: Optimization of the Deposition Techniques
A. Reale, L. Vesce, R. Riccitelli, G. Soscia, T. M. Brown, A. Di Carlo
Functional and Nanostructured Materials (FNMA), (Sept. 2009)
Sulmona (Italy)
Optoelectronics materials and components characterization for organic inorganic laser assembling
Penna, Reale, Tosi Beleffi, Andre, Teixeira, Nakao, Shinada, Wada
IEEE 14th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, (July 13-17, 2009)
Hong Kong (China)
Photocurrent enhancement of dye solar cells by efficient light management
D. Colonna, L. Dominici, D. D'Ercole, A. Brunetti, F. Michelotti, T. M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo
PLMCN9, (April 16-20, 2009)
Lecce (Italy)
Polymer Bulk-Heterojunction Photo-voltaic device as photodetector for optical communications
L. Salamandra, S. Penna, F. Brunetti, A. Reale, T. M. Brown, A. Di Carlo, D. Musella
ICOE, (June 2009)
Liverpool (United Kingdom)
Prism enhanced angular photocurrent in dye solar cells
L. Dominici, L. Vesce, T. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, F. Michelotti
Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting, (June 2009)
Strasbourg (France)
Stability of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: Comparison of Sealing Strategies
Leonardi, Penna, Reale, Brown, Di Carlo
Functional and Nanonstructured Materials, (Sept. 27-30 2009)
Sulmona (Italy)
TiO2 sintering via UV scanning laser for dye solar cells fabrication
G. Mincuzzi, L. Vesce, T. M. Brown, R. Riccitelli, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo
European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting, (June 2009)
Strasbourg (France)
W and Z Series Interconnections for Dye Solar Cell Modules
F. Giordano, E. Petrolati, S. Mastroianni, T. M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo
Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference (HOPV), (2009)
Electron-phonon scattering in molecular electronics: from inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy to heating effects
A Gagliardi and G Romano and A Pecchia and T A Niehaus and Th Frauenheim and Di Carlo, A
New Journal of Physics 10, pp. 065020 (2008)
Electronic and transport properties of contacts between molybdenum sulfide nanowires and gold electrodes
Igor Popov, Alessandro Pecchia, Shinya Okano, Nitesh Ranjan, Aldo Di Carlo and Gotthard Seifert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, pp. 083115 (2008)
Electronic structure and optical properties of freestanding [0001] oriented
M. P. Persson and A. Di Carlo
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104,, pp. 073718 (2008)
Flip-Cathode Design for Carbon Nanotube-Based Vacuum Triodes
F. Brunetti, R. Riccitelli, A. Di Carlo, A. Fiori, S. Orlanducci, V. Sessa, M.L. Terranova, M. Lucci,V. Merlo, M. Cirillo
IEEE Electron Device Letters 29, pp. 111 - 113 (2008)