A.Di Carlo, “An Ultrafast Amplifier”, Nature Photonics, Vol. 3 p. 681, 2009.
M. Mineo and C. Paoloni, “Corrugated Rectangular Waveguide Tunable Backward Wave Oscillator for THz Applications”, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol.57, N.6, pp.1481-1484, June 2010.
M. Mineo and C. Paoloni, “Narrow corrugation rectangular waveguide for terahertz TWTs”, Electronics Letters, vol.46, no.13, pp.927-928, 4th June 2010.
M. Mineo and C. Paoloni, “Double Corrugation Rectangular Waveguide Slow-wave Structure for THz Vacuum Devices”, Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on (Nov. 2010), vol.57, no.11, pp.3169-3175.
M. Mineo, A. Di Carlo and C. Paoloni, “Analytical design method for corrugated rectangular waveguide SWS THz vacuum tubes”, J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 24, no.17/18, pp.2497-2494, 2010.
C. Paoloni, “Design and Realization of a 1 THz Backward Wave Amplifier”, Terahertz Science and technology, Vol.4, no.4, December 2011, pp.149-163.
G. Ulisse, “Study of the Influence of Transverse Velocity on the Design of Cold Cathode-Based Electron Guns for Terahertz Devices”, Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 58, no.9, September 2011, pp. 3200-3204.
M. Mineo, C. Paoloni, “Backward Wave Mode Interaction Impedance at THz Frequencies for Corrugated Waveguides” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 54 n4 (2012) pp.837-839.
Conference Proceedings
R. Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, C. Paoloni,G. Ulisse, A. Di Carlo, V. Krozer, “Field Emission Vacuum Triode: THz Waveguide Solutions for the Transmission Lines”, proceeding International Vacuum Electronics Conference - IVEC 2008, Monterey, USA , April 22nd -24th 2008, (Poster Presentation).
R. Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, G. Ulisse, C. Paoloni, A. Di Carlo, S. Orlanducci, V. Sessa, M. L. Terranova, M. Cirillo, “Innovative vacuum device flip-cathode based on carbon nanotubes field emitters”, First Mediterranean Photonic Conference, Ischia, Italy 25th -28th June 2008, (Oral Presentation).
G. Ulisse, R. Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, C. Paoloni, A. Di Carlo ”Cathode optimization for field emission nanotriodes”, GE Meeting Otranto (LE) ,Italy 18-20 June 2008 (Poster Presentation).
R. Riccitelli, C. Paoloni, G. Ulisse, F. Brunetti, A. Di Carlo, ”Simulations of field emission behavior in carbon nanotube based vacuum triode “,21st International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference- IVNC, Wrocław, Poland, 13th -17th July 2008 (Poster Presentation).
P. Guiset, S. Combrie, M. Carras, A. De Rossi, J.P. Schnell,P. Legagneux, "Surface plasmon localization on field emitters arrays for microwave modulation of tunneling currents" SPIE nanoscience and engineering conference, San Diego, California, 10th - 14th August 2008 (Oral presentation).
P. Guiset, "Surface plasmons localization on field emitters arrays for microwave modulation of tunneling currents", International Field Emission Symposium 2008, Rouen (Poster Presentation).
P. Guiset, S. Combrie, Antoni T., M. Carras, A. De Rossi, J.P. Schnell,P. Legagneux, "Optically driven Field Emission Arrays for THz amplifiers",proceeding International Vacuum Electronics Conference 2009, Rome 28th -30th April 2009 (Keynote Oral presentation)
Mauro Mineo, Claudio Paoloni, "Design Study of Corrugated Waveguide Slow-Wave Structure for THz Amplification", proceeding International Vacuum Electronics Conference 2009, Rome 28th -30th April 2009 (Oral presentation)
M. Mineo, C. Paoloni, A. Di Carlo, A. Fiorello, M. Dispenza, "Corrugated Waveguide Slow-Wave Structure for THz Travelling Wave Tubes", European Microwave Conference 2009, pp.842-845.
G.Ulisse, F.Brunetti, A.Di Carlo, "Field emission microgun for THz amplifiers", IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2009. IVEC 2009. (28-30 April 2009) (Poster Presentation).
A. Di Carlo, C. Paoloni, F. Brunetti, M.L.Terranova, A. Durand, R. Marchesin, K. Pham , V. Krozer,A.Fiorello, M. Dispenza,D. Pribat, S. Megtert,J.P. Schnell, P. Guiset, P. Legagneux, D. Dolfi, A. de Rossi, "The European Project OPTHER for the development of a THz tube amplifier", IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2009. IVEC 2009. pp.267-268, (28-30 April 2009) (Oral Presentation).
C. Paoloni, A. Di Carlo, F. Brunetti, M. Mineo e G Ulisse, "THz Vacuum Amplifier: a European Project", Sif 2009 - Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Di Fisica, 28/09-03/10 2009, Bari, Italy.
Ulisse, G.; Brunetti, F.; Di Carlo, A.; Guglielmotti, V.; Tamburri, E.; Terranova, M.L.; "Current modulation of a field emission microtriode based on carbon nanotubes", Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, 2009. IVNC 2009. 22nd International, pp.187-188, 20-24 July 2009.
Ulisse, G.; Brunetti, F.; Di Carlo, A.; "Design of an electron gun with FEA cathode for THz devices", Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, 2009. IVNC 2009. 22nd International, pp.225-226, 20-24 July 2009
Brunetti, F.; Ulisse, G.; Ciceroni, C.; Di Carlo, A.; Tamburri, E.; Gugliemotti, V.; Terranova, M.L.; , "Field emission behaviour of nickel nanowires grown by electrochemical deposition", Nanotechnology, 2009. IEEE-NANO 2009. 9th IEEE Conference on , vol., no., pp.160-162, 26-30 July 2009
Brunetti, F.; Paoloni, C.; Di Carlo, A.; Terranova, M.L.; "Molecular Electronics for High Frequency Devices", Traveling Summer School, 2009. ITSS 2009. International, pp.299-317, Jul. 4-10 2009 (talk)
Mineo, M.; Paoloni, C..; Bariou, D.; David, J.F..; Durand, A.J.;, "Design Method for Double Corrugation Rectangular Waveguide THz Vacuum Amplifier", IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference 2010, IVEC 2010, Monterey, pp.325-326, May, 18-21, 2010.
M. Dispenza, A.Fiorello, A. Secchi. Di Carlo, C. Paoloni, F. Brunetti, M.L. Terranova A. Durand, R. Marchesin, K. Pham,V. Krozer, V. Zhurbenko, D. Pribat, S. Megtert, J.P. Schnell, P. Guiset, P. Legagneux, D. Dolfi, A. de Rossi "Towards a THz Backward Wave Amplifier in European OPTHER project", SPIE 2010 "Optics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting".
A. Di Carlo; F. Brunetti; C.S. Cojocarua; D. Dolfi; M. Dispenza; A. de Rossi; P. Guiset; P. Lagagneux; J.P. Schnell; C. Paoloni; M. Mineo; G. Ulisse; E. Tamburri; M.L. Terranova; A. Gohier; A.M. Fiorello; A. Durand; R. Marchesin; K. Pham; M. Kotiranta; V. Krozer; V. Zhurbenko; A. Secchi; S. Megtert; F. Bouamrane, "European Research on THz Vacuum Amplifiers", 35th International Infrared, Millimeter Wave and THz Conference, Roma, 5-10 September 2010.
Mauro Mineo; D. Bariou; J.F. David; A.J. Durand; C. Paoloni, “Backward Wave Oscillator for THz Frequency Range Based on Double Corrugation Slow-Wave Structure”, 35th International Infrared, Millimeter Wave and THz Conference, Roma, 5-10 September 2010.
Mikko Kotiranta; V. Krozer; V. Zhurbenko, “Square Helix TWT for THz Frequencies”, 35th International Infrared, Millimeter Wave and THz Conference, Rome, Italy, 5-10 September 2010 (Poster presentation).
C. Paoloni, F. Brunetti, A. Di Carlo, M. Mineo, E. Tamburri, M.L.Terranova, G. Ulisse, A. Durand, R. Marchesin, K.Pham, V. Krozer, M. Kotiranta, A. de Rossi, D. Dolfi, P. Guiset, P. Legagneux, J.P. Schnell, A. Fiorello, M. Dispenza, A. Secchi, V. Zhurbenko, S. Megtert, F. Bouamrane, C.-S. Cojocaru, A. Gohier, “The OPTHER project: progress toward the THz amplifier”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2011, Bangalore, India, pp.55-56
M. Mineo, C. Paoloni, “Backward Wave Oscillators for THz Applications Based on Corrugated Waveguide” International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2011, Bangalore, India, pp.265-266.
C. Paoloni, M. Mineo, A. Durand, D. Bariou, J.-F. David, “Backward-Wave Vacuum Amplifier for THz Amplification”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2011, Bangalore, India, pp.267-268.
V. Zhurbenko et al., "Excitation of a Double Corrugation Slow-wave Structure in Terahertz Range", 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP) 2011, 2011, 11-15 Apr., Rome.
F. Boumrane et al., "LIGA-based Slow Wave Structure for a THz Vacuum Amplifier", 9th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology, HARMST 2011, 12-18 Jun. 2011, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
C. Paoloni et al., "Design and Realization of a 1-THz Backward-Wave Amplifier", 4th UK/China Workshop on Millimitre-Waves and THz Technologies, 2011, 01-03 Sep., Glasgow (invited talk).
A. Di Carlo, "Nano-TeraHz for aerospace and security applications", Nanoforum 2011, Rome 14-15 September 2011.
Kotiranta, Mikko; Krozer, Viktor; "Harmonic distortion in a traveling wave tube at 850 GHz and its use in frequency multiplication", Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Circuits (INMMIC), 2011 Workshop on
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/INMMIC.2011.5773517
Publication Year: 2011 , pp. 1-4.
M. Kotiranta et al., "Terahertz Dual-Mode Horn Antenna with a Vacuum Window", Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2012 IEEE International, (submitted and accepted for a poster).
M. Mineo, C. Paoloni and A.J. Durand, "Design Procedure for THz Cascade Backward Wave Amplifiers", Vacuum Electronic Conference, 2012 IEEE International, (submitted and accepted for talk).
C. Paoloni et al., "1-THz Cascade Backward Wave Amplifier", Vacuum Electronic Conference, 2012 IEEE International, (submitted and accepted for talk).