Home arrow Project arrow Objectives arrow Work package 5
Work package 5
Dissemination and exploitation (MINAS, SELEX-SI, TRT, TED, CNRS, DTU)

The dissemination will be achieved by:

  • Participation to Conferences and Workshops 
  • Publication on peer reviewed international journals
  • Organization of specific events on the project themes
  • Web page
  • Press releases
  • Participation in consultation meetings organised by the EC

Beside research persons, the industrial partners (mainly SELEX-SI and TED) will involve people related with the Marketing/business unit. The industrial partners will report on their exploitation intentions in form of a business plan, while the academic partners will report on their use in education and research in a quantified manner and will outline their intentions to commercially use the results by licence agreements, consultancy or via spin-offs - as applicable.


D5.1: Press release (T0+1)

D5.2: Web page (T0+3)

D5.3: Dissemination and use plan (DUP) version 1, 2, 3 (T0+12), (T0+24), (T0+36)

D5.4: Press release (T0+39) 

Duration :
36 months (from T0 to T0+36)

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