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Work package 3

THz drive signal amplifier: realization

The WP3 is devoted to the realization of the THz source consisting of a micro vacuum amplifier to be driven by a suitable laser source (Photomixing or QCL). This novel approach to the THz generation requires different Task to define the Characteristic of the cathode ,how to couple the laser to the amplifying structure , the slow wave structure that best fit the performance requirements . Further the assembly and the testing phase are relevant section of WP3.


D3.1:Fabrication of first structured surfaces for the growth of CNTs using a suitable photolithographic process flow (T0+12)

D3.2:Stabilized and optimized growth conditions for vertically-aligned MWNTs via hot wire triode-type reactor and via MW PECVD. Stabilized and optimized growth conditions for vertically-aligned SWNTs via HF-CVD (T0+18)

D3.3:Characterization of field emission properties of SWNTs and MWNTs based cathodes (T0+21)

D3.4:Realization of optimized (low threshold – high current) reproducible SWNTs cold emitters via HF-CVD and MWNTs cold emitters via MW PECVD and hot wire triode-type reactor (T0+27)

D3.5: Realization of the sealed tube for testing delivered to DTU ( T0 + 32 )

D3.6: Characterization and verification of THz amplifier performances, final results analysis report, investigation and production of final report on the reliability of the amplifier (T0+36).  

33 months (from T0+3 to T0+36)

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