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ICOPS 2012

The 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) will be held in Edinburgh, UK (8-12 July 2012).
The conference venue is the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).

An Opther partners is involved in the conference Committee:
Claudio Paoloni Session Organizer: Micro Vacuum electronics

IVEC 2011

IEEE - IVEC-2011 will be attended by the renowned professionals of the International Vacuum Electronic Devices and Systems Community. It will commence with an inaugural and plenary sessions including talks by eminent experts to focus onto the scientific and technological strides that are driving the current and future directions in vacuum electronic research. Subsequently, a number of parallel oral and poster sessions will present latest developments in vacuum electronic devices, their theories and computational design tools, active and passive components, technologies and systems and focus on a spectrum of scientific and commercial applications, spanning the range from UHF to THz frequencies. System developers will also find a unique snapshot into the state-of-the-art in vacuum electronic devices for electronic systems encompassing radar, electronic warfare, digital broadcasting, high data-rate communication, medical application, and RF accelerator technology for high energy physics.

An Opther partners is involved in the conference Committee:
Claudio Paoloni Session Chair THz Devices

IRMMW-THz 2010

The 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2010, will be held in Rome, Italy, from the 5th to the 10th of September 2010. The conference is organized by ENEA under the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) and will take place at the Angelicum, Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino , Largo Angelicum 1, Roma.

The Conference is the largest event devoted to scientific and technological developments in the wide spectral range extending from the infrared to the millimeter wave region. The conference topics include infrared, terahertz and millimeter wave sources and components as well as detectors and instrumentation. It encompasses micro- and nano-scale structures to large accelerators and Tokamaks, and deals with applications as diverse as space science, plasma physics, biology, bio-medicine, cultural heritage conservation, environmental and material sciences, telecommunications and security. Such a multidisciplinarity makes this conference an outstanding occasion to gather together scientists from different fields and exchange information on different methodological and scientifical approaches.

Two Opther partners are involved in the conference Committee:
Aldo Di Carlo Program Committee
Claudio Paoloni Local Organizing Committee

IVEC 2009

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International Vacuum Electronics Conference 2009

Roma, 28 - 30 April 2009


For the first time in Italy, the International Vacuum Electronics Conference 2009 (IVEC 2009) will be held in Rome on 28 - 30 April 2009 at Angelicum, Università Pontificia San Tommaso D'Aquino, Largo Angelicum,1.

IVEC 2009 is the most important international conference on vacuum electronics. This edition is chaired by European Space Agency with the support of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the technical sponsorship by IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS). IVEC 2009 will open with a plenary session featuring six invited speakers covering subject of great technical relevance with a divulgation approach.
The success of the event is already stated by the 250 papers that will be presented by scientists from all over the world. The topics of the conference include high power tubes, vacuum devices for THz applications, tubes for space applications, cold cathode technology, sheet beam devices, TWTs, Klystrons, Gyrotrons, FEL, and many others arguments of broad interest in the field, with an outstanding interdisciplinary characteristic.

For further information www.ivec2009.org

General/Technical Chair
Marinella Aloisio
European Space Agency ESA/ESTEC
Local Organization Chair
Claudio Paoloni
Università di Roma Tor Vergata

R. Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, C. Paoloni,G. Ulisse, A. Di Carlo, V.  Krozer, "Field Emission Vacuum Triode: THz Waveguide Solutions for the Transmission Lines", International Vacuum Electronics Conference - IVEC 2008, Monterey, USA , April 22nd -24th 2008 - Poster session

R. Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, C. Paoloni, G. Ulisse, A. Di Carlo, ”Flip-cathode Field Emission Vacuum Triode for THz Applications”, Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop 2008 Innovation and Challenges, ESA ESTEC, Noordwjick, The Netherlands, 6th -7th May 2008 - Oral session

A. Di Carlo, F.Brunetti, C. Paoloni, R.Riccitelli, G.Ulisse” OPTHER-Optically Driven Terahertz Amplifiers”, Riunione Annuale del Gruppo Elettronica, Otranto (LE), Italy, 18th -20th June 2008 - Poster session

G.Ulisse, R.Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, C.Paoloni, A.Di Carlo “Cathode optimization for field emission nanotriodes”, Riunione Annuale del Gruppo Elettronica, Otranto (LE), Italy, 18th -20th June 2008 - Poster session

R. Riccitelli, F. Brunetti, G. Ulisse, C. Paoloni, A. Di Carlo, S. Orlanducci, V. Sessa, M. L. Terranova, M. Cirillo, “Innovative vacuum device flip-cathode based on carbon nanotubes field emitters”, First Mediterranean Photonic Conference, Ischia, Italy 25th -28th June 2008 - Oral Session 

R. Riccitelli, C. Paoloni, G. Ulisse, F. Brunetti, A. Di Carlo,”Simulations of field emission behavior in carbon nanotube based vacuum triode “,21st International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference- IVNC, Wrocław, Poland, 13th -17th July 2008 - Poster Session

P. Guiset, S. Combrie, M. Carras, A. De Rossi, J.P. Schnell,P. Legagneux"Surface plasmon localization on field emitters arrays for microwave modulation of tunneling currents"SPIE nanoscience and engineering conference, San Diego, California, 10th - 14th August 2008 -  Oral Session

A.Di Carlo, “OPTHER-Optically Driven TeraHertz Amplifiers”, Concertation meeting - FP7 Photonics projects, Barcelona, Spain, 18th -19th September 2008 - Oral Session