The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has a well known record in THz activities concentrating in two closely cooperating departments: DTU Elektro department and DTU Fotonik department. Both departments will be involved in this projects, while DTU Elektro and especially its Microwave Technology Group, which is led by professor Viktor Krozer, will be responsible for DTU activities. The two departments are joining forces towards a center for THz research at DTU. The research includes theoretical work, simulations, device and components development using electronics (frequency multipliers based on Schottky diodes, frequency mixers etc) and optoelectronics (femtosecond lasers, photomixers, ultra broadband emitters and detectors), as well as imaging and biological measurement system development, including signal processing, hardware implementation, etc. The facilities at DTU include measurement benches for microwave measurements up to 110 GHz, antenna measurements up to 60 GHz, several THz pulsed and CW benches, and thin-film and semiconductor processing facilities. DTU Fotonik has dedicated benches for biological materials testing. Both groups have more than 10 years experience in simulation and testing of THz devices and components. Recently, both groups have been involved in projects concerning THz imaging for security applications in the frame of European Space Agency, as well as related EU projects, such as TERANOVA, GIBON, etc.
Role in OPTHER
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) will be responsible for the design, development, and characterization of the input and output coupling schemes for both the THz amplifier and optically excited THz source. DTU will develop the necessary testing facilities and provide a number of commercial and in-house simulation tools. DTU will also provide know-how on specifications of THz systems for security applications.