University of Rome Tor Vergata |
 The Interdisciplinary Micro and Nano-structured Systems Laboratory (MINAS) is an interdepartmental laboratory of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (UTV) composed by the Electrical Engineering, Physics and Chemistry departments. The main objective of the laboratory is to design, simulate, model, realize and characterize, in close relation with industrial beneficiaries, systems based on micro and nano structures. In particular, the activity of cold emitters based on aligned carbon nanotubes for RF applications has been demonstrated very successful. ,gaining a wide interest even on popular science italian TV program (QUARK) and newspapers (La Repubblica). The UTV node leader in the OPHTER project is Aldo Di Carlo. The facilities of the UTV lab will be fully available for OPHTER requirements. A HF-CVD and a MW PECVD for the growth of SWCNT and MWCNT are of particular relevance to the present project. The chemistries of UTV has been working in the field of CNTs synthesis for the last 6 years demonstrating the possibility of controlled growth of SWNTs with a patented process. Many characterization techniques are also available, ranging from Raman spectroscopy to Field Emission measurement and TEM analysis, SEM and AFM imaging. Concerning the simulation of the amplifier the group has a strong expertise in THz generation, Quantum Cascade Lasers and vacuum tubes modeling. Several codes have been developed inside the group to integrate the micro and nano description of the device behavior. Furthermore the group developed also a software, TiberCAD, sold by TiberLAB, that is a multiscale tool for the simulation of modern electronic and optoelectronic devices. Applications of TiberCAD range from nanoelectronic to laser technologies including molecular electronics and bio-devices. TiberLAB, furnish also a distributed computing platform (TiberWEB) that can be used for the device simulation and the dissemination of the information. The existing UTV personnel involved in the project will include:2 full professors, 1 associated professor, 4 researchers, 3 Post- Doc and 5 Ph-D.
Role in OPTHER
The University of Roma - UTV group will be responsible for coordination of the project and will be mainly involved in the realization and characterization of cold emitter based on HFCVD growth of aligned SWCNT. Moreover, the node will be involved in close collaboration with other beneficiaries, in the design of amplifier cavity and THz/e-beam coupling.